Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Friday, September 14, 2012




1) Perbanyakkan menyebut Allah SWT daripada menyebut makhluk.

Sudah menjadi kebiasaan bagi kita menyebut atau memuji-muji orang yang berbuat baik kepada kita sehingga kadang-kadang kita terlupa hakikat bahawa terlampau banyak nikmat yang telah Allah SWT berikan kepada kita. Lantaran itu, kita terlupa memuji dan menyebut-nyebut nama Allah SWT. Makhluk yang berbuat baik sedikit kita puji habis-habisan tetapi nikmat yang terlalu banyak Allah SWT berikan kepada kita langsung tidak kita ingat dan bersyukur. Sebaik-baiknya elok dibasahi lidah kita dengan memuji Allah SWT setiap ketika, bukan ucapan Alhamdulillah hanya apabila sesudah sendawa kekenyangan.

2) Perbanyakkan menyebut akhirat daripada menyebut urusan dunia.

Dunia terlalu sedikit dibandingkan dengan akhirat. 1000 tahun di dunia setimpal dengan ukuran masa sehari di akhirat. Betapa kecilnya nisbah umur di dunia ini berbanding akhirat. Nikmat dunia juga 1/100 daripada nikmat akhirat. Begitu juga seksa dan kepayahan hidup di dunia hanya 1/100 daripada akhirat. Hanya orang yang lalai sibuk memikirkan Wawasan Dunia hingga terlupa Wawasan Akhirat. Manusia yang paling cerdik ialah mereka yang sibuk merancang Wawasan Akhiratnya. Bukannya Saham Amanah Dunia tidak penting, tetapi yang paling penting ialah Saham Amanah Akhirat yang tidak pernah rugi dan merudum malahan senantiasa naik berlipat kali ganda. Oleh itu perbanyakkanlah menyebut-nyebut perihal akhirat supaya timbul keghairahan untuk menanam dan melabur  di dunia ini untuk meraih ganjaran keuntungan Saham Amanah Akhirat.

3) Perbanyakkan menyebut dan mengingati hal-hal kematian dari kehidupan.

Kita sering memikirkan bekalan hidup ketika tua dan bersara tapi jarang memikirkan bekalan hidup selepas mati. Memikirkan mati adalah sunat kerana dengan berbuat demikian kita akan menginsafi diri dan bekalan amalan yang perlu dibawa ke sana. Perjalanan yang jauh ke akhirat sudah tentu memerlukan bekalan yang amat banyak. Bekalan itu hendaklah dikumpulkan semasa hidup di dunia ini. Dunia ibarat kebun akhirat. Kalau tidak diusahakan kebun dunia ini masakan dapat mengutip hasilnya di akhirat? Dalam hubungan ini eloklah sikap Saidina Ali dicontohi. Meskipun sudah terjamin akan syurga, beliau masih mengeluh dengan hebat sekali tentang kurangnya amalan untuk dibawa ke akhirat yang jauh perjalanannya. Betapa pula halnya dengan diri kita yang kerdil dan banyak sekali  bergelumang dengan perkara-perkara maksiat dan dosa?
4) Jangan menyebut-nyebut tentang kebaikan diri dan keluarga.

Syaitan memang sentiasa hendak memerangkap diri kita dengan menyuruh atau membisikkan kepada diri kita supaya sentiasa mengingat atau menyebut-nyebut tentang kebaikan yang kita lakukan sama ada kepada diri sendiri, keluarga atau masyarakat amnya. Satu kebaikan yang kita buat, kita sebut-sebut selalu macam resmi ayam 'bertelur sebiji riuh sekampung'. Kita terlupa bahawa dengan menyebut dan mengingat kebaikan kita itu sudah menimbulkan satu penyakit hati iaitu ujub. Penyakit ujub ini ibarat api dalam sekam boleh merosakkan pahala kebajikan yang kita buat. Oleh itu eloklah kita berhati-hati supaya menghindarkan diri daripada mengingat kebaikan diri kita kepada orang lain. Kita perlu sedar bahawa perbuatan buat baik yang ada pada diri kita itu sebenarnya datang dari Allah SWT. Allah SWT yang menyuruh kita buat baik. Jadi kita patut bersyukur kepada-Nya kerana menjadikan kita orang baik, bukannya mendabik dada mengatakan kita orang baik.

5) Jangan disebut-sebut keaiban atau keburukan diri orang lain. 

Kegelapan hati ditokok dengan rangsangan syaitan selalu menyebabkan diri kita menyebut-nyebut kesalahan dan kekurangan orang lain. Kita terdorong melihat keaiban orang sehingga terlupa melihat keaiban dan kekurangan diri kita sendiri. Bak kata orang tua-tua 'kuman seberang lautan nampak, tapi gajah di depan mata tak kelihatan'. Islam menuntut kita melihat kekurangan diri supaya dengan cara itu kita dapat memperbaiki kekurangan diri kita. Menuding jari mengatakan orang lain tak betul sebenarnya memberikan isyarat bahawa diri kita sendiri tidak betul. Ibarat menunjuk jari telunjuk kepada orang; satu jari arah ke orang itu tapi 4 lagi jari menuding ke arah diri kita. Bermakna bukan orang itu yang buruk, malahan diri kita lebih buruk daripadanya. Oleh sebab itu, biasakan diri kita melihat keburukan diri kita bukannya keburukan orang lain. Jangan menjaga tepi kain orang sedangkan tepi kain kita koyak rabak. Dalam Islam ada digariskan sikap positif yang perlu dihayati dalam hubungan sesama manusia iaitu lihatlah satu kebaikan yang ada pada diri seseorang, meskipun ada banyak kejahatan yang ada pada dirinya. Apabila melihat diri kita pula, lihatkan kejahatan yang ada pada diri kita walaupun kita pernah berbuat baik. Hanya dengan cara ini kita terselamat dari bisikan-bisikan  syaitan yang memang senantiasa mengatur perangkap untuk menjerumuskan kita ke dalam jurang bahang panas api Neraka Jahanam.

Semoga 5 perkara yang disebutkan di atas dapat kita hayati dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan kita seharian. Sama-sama kita beroda semoga terselamat dari kemurkaan Allah SWT semasa di dunia hingga ke akhirat.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Salam Aidilfitri 2012 / 1433H

Sentiment reciprocated with deep sense of Gratitude and manifestation. Very very happy eid to Muslim Viewers, Blogger Friends & Whoever who knows me..

Sentiment reciprocated with deep sense of Gratitude and manifestation.Very very happy eid to Muslims Viewers, Blogger Friends & Whoever who knows me.

May the blessing of Allah
bright the days ahead

And may joy and peace
Fill ur heart

In these sweetest way
may this eid be

A happy and memorable one
Eid Mubarak 
Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nasi Ambeng Special...

Ini adalah menu ku untuk sahur. Nasi Ambeng Special :-)
Ni Jamuan untuk Moreh after Terawik & Tazkirah tadi but i keep it for sahur almaklum perut dah kepenuhan.
I heard people say that this type of dish is JB originated,.. makanan org2 jawa katanyer.
Ingat lagi 1st time makan nasi ambeng ni dulu tahun 2009 kat office meraikan Farewell one of my ex colleague. Time tu la aku baru tahu ade nyer nasi ni. Retarded X aku?.. kakakaka... 
Sedap gak,... 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Salam Jumaat 030812 & Ramadhan Day 14.

Tiba2 datang mood nak draw Menyempat kejap even busy with plenty of issue. Salam Jumaat 030812 & Salam Ramadhan hari yg Ke 14 to my blogger friends & readers.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Stop & quit... It all depends on you.

For some reason due to what had happened obviously critical at work sometimes make me feel that to quit & give up is the best answer. The intention to leave reflect from something that makes us feel pressure & insecure nor sometimes feel or have felt stupid at some point by someone. But deep inside our decision to stop, there's a chance for us to grow,.... in mind - mentally. So whether we wanna take the challenge or not, it all depends on our pick and how u take it. Pick the brain & grow yourself.

I admit that all this while i do have the feelings to stop... but friends keep on advicing me to be strong, and to fight against all annoying & unrelevant forcing from client. All in all,... i keep on going even if there's no one concerned. It all depends on me... and You in your life!

Magnum - Chocolate Truffle

Semalam after Terawikh terus beli ice cream ni kat Ground Floor grocery store.

Tak tau pun sebenarnya ada flavor terbaru untuk ice cream magnum ni in the market. Tak silap ada lagi satu flavor yg baru - Coffee Capucchino...... 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Finger Smiley.

Its been a hustle for like a while in the office just now due to slow running in application which taking effects from server problem. But apart from that busy env, i was sitting still at my cubicle and trying to draw finger smiley like what Achik Did. Well, did it but not as good as Her. Thanks Achik for this note!!!

Nice One!!!! Thanks Achik

Thanks for the Dates!

Just only receive a box of Dates from my Company. Thanks!!!!

Berbuka Puasa di Office Hari ke-3

 Semalam aku berbuka di office memandangkan bbrp org colleague ku juga akan balik lewat. Juadah berbuka dibeli dari Bazaar Ramadhan Kampung Melayu Sg Buloh. Plan pada asalnya ingin berbuka dengan McD Chicken Foldover (Beli 1 free lagi 1 -Ala Carte). Akan tetapi terpaksa dibatalkan atas sebab kesesakan jalan yg "Super Bad". Pergi bertiga bersama my colleague Zah & Fariza.
Coupon Ala Carte McDonalds Chicken Foldover Buy 1 Free 1.
Kuih Muih
Ayam Percik (Dada - RM2.50)
Juadag Berbuka semalam

Finger Face Smiley. (A compliment to Achik)

I was called to look upon this draw by my Close mate in the office Achik in order for her to design a timeline poster or wallpaper which makes me feel quite suprise of her hidden talent since i did not even realize that she can draw this good. Easy to draw & i can draw like this too, its just that it didn't came up to my mind all this while.

Family (cute daughter with flower clip)

Family (Ladies in Hijab)

Modern Family.


Wedding Couple

The sketches.

Love this... Soooooo Cute!!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Jangan lupa bersahur.

Bersahur is to have a light meal (shortly before daybreak during Ramadan).I was just being told that the Condo Restaurant will close its business during Ramadhan so for me it will be quite hard to find food for sahur everywhere in this area. No choice to just drink a lot of water since that i did not even buy snacks or delicacies earlier for Sahur. Rumah bujang aku ni memang xder aper2 benda nak dimasak kat umah sebab selalu beli makanan kat luar hahahaha.... Hmmmm if only the Condo Restaurant is open during this time for the whole month of Ramadhan just like last year...... :-(

Ramadhan Fasting Pledge.

Hope this is useful for my muslim Bothers & Sisters out there who still did not know on how to pledge for Ramadhan fasting like me. I found this in the net for reference.

Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak 1433 AH.

May Allah forgive all of our sins and save us from bad habits &  provides us a chance to get rid of sins and to become closer to Him. May we become rightful for His kindness through this month. This month is just for peace in our homes, hearts and souls. May we take benefit from this Ramadan more and more.

May you, your family and all of your friends have the best taste of this holy month of Ramadan! Happy Ramadan. -iLham HardY

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Top 10 Reason to Smile.

1. Smile makes us attractive.
 2. Smile changes our mood.
 3. Smile is contagious.
 4. Smile relieves stress.
 5. Smile boosts your immune system.

6. Smile lowers your blood pressure.
 7. Smile releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin.
 8. Smile lifts the face and makes you look younger.
 9. Smile makes you seem successful.
10. Smile helps you stay positive.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dominos Pizza & Pregger Sista.

My Sis was here in KL a few weeks back from Riyadh purposely for a Medical check-up at Ampang Puteri Hospital due to early stage pregnancy which i was maybe the last person to know this in the family?.. Waishhh what a suprise... Im happy to hear that My niece & nephew will have a new adik to share the love soon less than 9 month ahead.
Having had to follow my brother in law Oustationing around europe / arab and residing at Riyadh will make a hardtime for my sis to budge since that she's now a pregger so there might be a decision for her to stay in Malaysia as my mum will be around to keep an eye on her.

Well,... i was staying with my sis for the whole 3 days they were here at a hotel quite nearby the Hospital. Ahhh glad that my youngest sis was also here as a roomies & I was in a bagpack status away from home for 3 days LOL. Later on the 2nd night,... we went for a Satay at Ampang Jaya. The place was called Zaini Satay, located just next to "Studio 5" restaurant.

Final day, my Sis and Brother in law has to split heading towards their own destination. My sis will fly back to my hometown & my brother in law flee for work to North Carolina while my youngest sis will of course to follow my sis.... hihi. So sad to see them husband & wife temporary splitting due to the condition that is not permissible. Before heading to KLIA,... there we go,.. having our Lunch at Ampang Point Dominos Pizza.. Yummmssss...

1800-888-333 for free delivery...:-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Congratulations on your bundle of joy.

 " It's a girl! Wishing field of cotton candy for you...and your new little ray of sunshine. Congratulations"

Congratulations to my friend Sulaiha for her newborn cute little baby girl on the date of June 2012 (Not quite sure of the exact date).Take this picture while visiting her at Sg Buloh Hospital within lastweek together with fellow colleague Achik, Aida, Farah, Zura & Zaharah. Cute & subtle just like her Mom.......

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dark Purple Or Royal Blue Part One.

Creep around Sungai Buloh "The Store" yesterday afternoon where at the same time paying for my phone bills has bring me to this small boutique which had my eyes stunned looking at something....

Ahhhhhh it was so pretty!!!!! I m not quite sure of the color whether it is Dark Purple Or Royal Blue due to the boutique's lighting. And I had just put a deposit down for this item in order for me to get it later end of this month. I Tried it on and the size was perfect on me... Lucky hahaha!

 Grab it up because of the color & rare material, extremely Simple but i just love the emptiness on it. It makes my skin looks brighter & radiant.....LOL!

Poor Thing,... i cant take it on the spot due to my tight budget. Well..... a deposit will do at least it has been mine. Forget to snap on it... Argghhhh!!!

Will post the picture later end of this month. 

To be continued.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Vitamin E For Skin. APPETON

I took this vit e capsule for like 4 days already & expect nothing from it to actually repair my skin whilst just for extra supplement. But there's one thing I realize is that my tummy has getting a little toning up, flatter & quite firm after few days. But thinking back of its particular effect on skin, well was it because of this pills?Lol. A skin pills? Effect on tummy? Hmmmm im curious now. Maybe I should ask the pharmacist more on this product later as whether it gives extra good effect on other parts of the body instead of skin.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Solitude Home.

Two days at home during this weekend was a contentment even on Saturday that i had intended to go to my workplace in order to settle things out but cancelled due to my lazyness (haha). Two of my housemates has gone back to their hometown & the house left in silent for me to feel the solitude. Love this moment where i can rest peacefully. Feeling fresh without thinking about work. Nextweek maybe will be a stress week for me which i really hope its not. I do pray that my working day ahead will be a virtue. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A symptom it was.

A Typical boring day at the office. Im bored. And lazy at the same time. Finishing user requests Application setup but suddenly stopped when there are bewilderment. Is Chronic Boredom a Symptom? I don't excatly know but i don't like to be in a long settling process of a task especially when it comes to finding data & something that can make me suffer from thinking which finally leads to boredom. Or is it maybe becasue im fasting..... LOL!
Bored Symptom - A fatal disease that cause you to stare off into space, and ignore your surroundings. You go in to a trance and can be cured by doing something fun. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Square Up Rejab Fasting.

Conversing about the beneficence during Rejab month with my cubicle neighbour Zaharah today in the office has got myself an awareness of how fortunate i am to be able to arrogate the merit during this month. I have never in life (i think so) thinking of to fast during this month of Rejab due to lack of knowledge on the after life / the hereafter benefits that i could gain from it. I was eager to square up Rejab fasting tomorrow after a little research made through the internet. 

This is my menu for sahur. By the way... it was my Supper. Sahur is supposedly taken at around nearly dawn before Subuh Prayer. I knew that i won't be awake just to eat early dawn even if i had set the time on my iPhone to wake me up normally an hour before Subuh prayer but sometimes skipped (Most of the time now).. Ooooppss.. LOL!

Selamat Berpuasa Rejab ......

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pringles - Multi Grain Classic.

Before balik, sempat ratah snack kejap bersama my cubicle neighbour, Zaharah. I thought lastime people said that Pringles has been listed as a Non Halal Food. But Halal marking is there on the package. Nice flavor though & i think its new in the market,..Maybe.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Green Domination Cupcakes (Kak Lynn).

I save this cupcakes photo from Kak Lynn's Facebook. Nice color.It Looks variantly fresh & fine to me due to its Green domination. Love it.

Hygienic Shopping Spree

Yesterday was my kinda Hygienic Shopping Spree item bought only at established pharmacy purposedly for the company Medical claim which will be ended soon before renewed. Rugi kan if x claim if there still got a few hundred bucks in my medical claimage and i didn't utilize it! Its time for me to apply for my Med reimbursement. Thanks Acik for the accompany. Loves!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dolls, Farewell & End of.......

I just got my confirmation letter finishing probationary period of 6 months in this company i was working with currently & there's a lot of thinking, begging, plastic acting, pretending, thrilled, backbitting, LLB, Diva, Madonna, Maradonna & lots more of disposition that i will consider in looking forward to continue my service without having to find or apply for a new source of living & had to be extra careful on people's impression over people's influences so in order to be strong then i need to be invincible....... Hah! "Especially when working under the control of a DIVA."

 All in all,... im glad that i finally deserve a place here right after 6 months of probation period. Below picture... Ahhh a doll from Beijing which attract me most in the office, bought by two of my colleage during their vacay. But the blue doll owner has already leave us for a better job offer. Farewell to my ex-colleague Aini... :-)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


HAPPY TEACHERS DAY 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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