Angry Birds for me is like a seasonal game. It was like my previous favourite game such as Plant vs Zombies, Worms, Diner Dash etc, just named a few. I've never heard of this game till my supervisor bought a new iPad2 lastmnonth. She played it and i started to get attracted. I realize that this game will soon to be my favourite. My colleague Fadli once inform me about this game last few months while playing online but i just ignore it as the game at that time looks quite boring. But now.... i had it installed in my New Handphone SE X10i and i played it everyday... LOL!!!!!!! I guess now i know that we can get really angry upon playing this game in order to unlocked the next game level, repeat playing the same level really sucks haha.....
Furthermore... i got it in 3 version...Angry Birds, Angry Bird Lite and Angry Birds Seasons by Rovio. I even set Angry Birds game picture to be the background of my Desktop in the office....kakakakaka....

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