I went to the Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2011 two days ago to seek for Malay novels. Well, it was actually not upon my interest in buying those novels, but my elder Sis. She's a novel maniac and her hobby is reading. I have mention in my post long ago that my Sis collect a lot of Malay novel. She can built a library of her own as she got tons of novel in her novel garage!!!!!
As at the moment that she was in my hometown away from Riyadh for a while, so it was her opportunity to get as many Malay novel that interest her in the market to be added into her collection garage. To find Malay novels in Riyadh...Impossible, we know right, hehehe
Well,... here are the novels which she needs me to buy during the Book Fair last two days. 8 Novels..Whooahhhhh...hihihi. I love the novel covers...
8 Malay Novels altogether... and it was a trionovels plus 1 novel bonus for the month of April & May 2011 according to my sister...hehehe, i dunno anything about this, i got it from my sis.
It was very hot and crowded during the Book Fair where everyone is eagerly seeking for books & dictionaries or reading methods. Pwtc hall seems to be in a total jammed in between each booth worst than the road is congested. Everyone needs to be patiently walking very slow as there got no free space to overtake people in front of each other kakakaka.
Logically observed,...i can see that there's one thing which causes such an extreme people's jammed during the book fair and it is non other than.... A Baby stroller!!! hihihi. Anyway,... it;s good to see there's a lot of people going to the Fair as to prove that most Malaysians are more into reading and gaining knowledge furthermore an intelligent people. LOVES!!.
1 comment:
Salam .. Alah, tak ingat la yang mana satu yong ni .. ramia sangat ari tu .. hehehe .. lain kali tegur la .. kay ...
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